Check out Kash's full interview with host Joe Oltmann on Conservative Daily where he discusses a full range of topics, including Durham Bombs, Deep State Desperation, and his best-selling children's book, The Plot Against the King. Read More.
In his return appearance on "Prophets and Patriots," Kash discusses the latest revelation about our nation, speaking the truth behind current events, and encouraging the saints to boldly stand together. Read More.
Kash joins Angela Box, host of Angela's Soap Box, for a long-form conversation that covers everything from the MAGA movement and his former boss President Donald J. Trump to DC Swamp corruption and Deep State injustice, AND much much more! Read More.
The United States of America, by and through its attorney, Special Counsel John H. Durham, respectfully submits this reply to the defendant’s Opposition to the Government’s Motions In Limine. Read More.
In this phase of the United States of America v. Igor Danchenko case, a request for authorization to bring electronic device(s) into the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia was made. Read More.
Kash Patel has seen the Deep State up close, both from high-ranking positions within the Trump administration and as one of its victims, as he describes in his book, “The Plot Against the King.” Read More.
Beethoven/Scorsese/Salinger have just been retired- we partnered with country music legend @JohnRich for #PATK Ultra Ballad Video Smash: Sing along & grab a copy of @ThePlotAgainstTheKing books skyrocketing to No. 1 Read More.
Back in May, RedState covered Brave Books’ The Plot Against the King, featuring Kash Patel, the Former Chief of Staff for the Department of Defense and Deputy Assistant to Donald J. Trump. Read More.
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